Welcome to Angvlar’s API Use Policy
Angvlar has open APIs that you can access via our various platforms. By developing applications, services, or add-ons that access the data through our platform or link to it via our APIs (an “Integration”), users can expand upon and profit from our Services. You agree to this API Use Policy (the “Policy”) and our Terms by accessing the APIs. This Policy is a component of our Terms and will be considered as such. The definitions provided for capitalised terms used but not otherwise specified in this Policy can be found in our Terms.
You’ll only access the API using OAuth or an API key. If you have an Integration, users must be able to log in via OAuth or their API key. You won’t prompt users to provide their Angvlar username, password, or security questions.
Permitted use
You won’t use the API to send spam or take actions that violate our Acceptable Use Policy and Terms. You shall abide by all relevant laws, including those pertaining to personal information, export control rules and regulations from Romania, and economic sanctions laws and regulations. You’ll adhere to the API documentation we give. You won’t try to hack the Service or alter how it works. We may even limit your usage of the APIs. We can monitor and prevent you from using the API if you use the APIs.
You’ll be considerate of our users’ privacy. Each user’s explicit consent is required before you may access their accounts. Users of your Integration must be made aware of a privacy statement describing the data you will gather about them while they use the Integration. Only the data the user has permitted you to access and covered by your privacy policy will be accessed by you. You must immediately delete a user’s data if they request deletion or terminate their account. Any user data Angvlar collects via your Integration will be treated per the Privacy Policy.
You will establish and maintain the necessary technological and organisational security measures to safeguard and preserve your users’ data’s security, integrity, and confidentiality. These security measures prohibit unauthorised access to or disclosure of any personal information or private information you process. You must immediately disclose any security flaws or incidents that may impact or compromise our users, APIs, or Service in writing in the Abuse Form. Additionally, in the event of an incident of security, you shall cooperate with us to fix the problem very away.
To make sure that your Integration complies with this Policy, we reserve the right to inspect or audit your books, records, contracts, logs of access, third-party audit and examination reports, networks, systems, establishments (both physical and remote access to data centres and cloud facilities), controls, regulations, and procedures. You will immediately fix any security issues or shortcomings. You shall attest in writing that you are now compliant following remediation.
To develop, test, and support your Integration, as well as to distribute or allow access to your Integration to users of your Service, we hereby provide you a non-exclusive, not transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, restricted right to access and use the APIs, subject to your compliance with this Policy and all laws that apply. Our stand-alone APIs are not yours to distribute or provide access to. Your use of our APIs may be discontinued at any time, for any cause, by us.
All intellectual property rights belong exclusively to us, including trademarks, trade names, source code, and design ownership in and to the Service and the APIs. You won’t violate, mimic, or replicate our code, layout, or content. You won’t use our APIs to access services that compete with ours. Any rights not expressly given by this Policy are reserved; therefore, we aren’t giving you that right if you don’t see it here. Except for the APIs, our trademarks, and the Service, you hold all rights, titles, and interests in the Integration. If you give suggestions regarding the APIs or the Service, we can copy, edit, transform, publish, disclose, or otherwise use that input.
Use of marks
You may only use our trademarks and symbols (logos, mascots, and copyrighted images) in accordance with our Brand Guidelines. You won’t use our name or patterns in your Integration name or logo or in any way that implies our endorsement. You agree to quickly and cost-free assign such rights to us if you utilise our trademarks to build your company’s logo or name. Any proprietary notices in our patterns cannot be changed or removed.
We offer the APIs in their current state to the fullest degree allowed by law. This implies that we disclaim any explicit or implicit guarantees, including yet not restricted to the implied warranties of quality and suitability for a specific purpose.
We may occasionally update or modify the APIs and this Policy by posting the changes on this site or notifying you via e-mail. These modifications may impact how you utilise the APIs or how your Integration communicates with them. You should discontinue using the APIs if we make a modification you find objectionable.
You could access proprietary, secret, and private data about the APIs (“Confidential Information”). Only building using the APIs is permitted in the use of this data. Without first receiving our explicit permission, in the same way, you would keep your personal information secure from illicit access and disclosure, you promise not to share the private information with anybody.
You hereby release, hold harmless, and indemnify us and our Team from any damages (including legal costs) brought about by third-party claims relating to your API usage.
Additional information
This Policy does not establish or suggest any joint venture, agency, or partnership. This Policy will apply if you use the APIs or until terminated per our Terms. In a conflict between this Policy and the Terms, the Terms shall control.
How can I report any abuse or offensive content?
Reporting abuse: Please report suspected policy violations using the’ Abuse Form’.
What action might we take if a buyer/customer/client has used our sites, products or services in breach of this Policy?
We will ensure fair outcomes for any content or use we deem unacceptable. If you’re unsure whether your content or intended use of our services is acceptable, please contact us to discuss.
If you disregard our acceptable use policy, we retain the following rights without giving you prior notice and at our sole discretion:
- requesting that you immediately take down the content that, in our opinion, is not allowed;
- Deactivate or cancel any accounts you have with any of the Angvlar Sites;
- discontinue giving you the services, including hosting your website, right away;
- report you to the proper authorities in severe circumstances, such as those involving child abuse or other unlawful activities.
How can you contact us?
If you’ve got any questions about our Policy, please do reach us via the Contact Form.
The acceptable use policy is the best method to understand how to use Angvlar’s websites, goods, and services, so we’re glad you made it to the end.